Checkin Up

Just when I thought I was going to be able to go grocery shopping (for the first time in just about three weeks . . .no lie), I looked at my calendar and blaring at me in bright blue expo marker was an appointment reminder for Carter’s four year checkup. Blam, right in between when Sawyer would be napping. And by the time he woke up from his second nap, it would be too late to head out to the store to get back in time for Brayden’s bus. So, again, our fridge remains bare. Perhaps tomorrow will be the day.

Carter’s appointment was pretty uneventful.  The office “adopted” a new policy, so now the kids wear these little gowns (what else are they supposed to be called?). Carter of course is about two sizes too small for his age, so he was swimming.  Poor kid. The good news is that he gained three pounds in one year, keeping him at exactly the same percentile as last year.  The bad news?  Well, he’s still not to thirty pounds yet AND that line he keeps chugging along is the third percentile line.

So what’s for dinner you ask?  BUTTER!  Don’t need to stop at Wegmans for that!







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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york