What Have I Been Up To?

I realize that I’ve been horrible at keep my blog up to date. I’m actually not even sure that people read it anymore, but if anyone out there is, then this is for you! Here is what’s been going down in the Chase household.

1. My dreams are becoming a reality! I shot my very first wedding SOLO this past Sunday! It was at Bristol Harbor–I’m still in the midst of editing, but it looks like things went pretty well. While there, I realized that this is truly something that I want to pursue wholeheartedly. I loved everything about it . . . the editing on the other hand, is not my favorite, but it’s a necessary component, so I’m going to have to learn to love it. I also recently met with two other potential clients for next summer earlier this week, and I have another meeting next week! Yaay!

2. James has been gone a lot 🙁 Now that school has started, he’s gone by the time we’re up. He is also coaching boys modified soccer, so on days that he has just practice, he gets home a little before six. Days that he has games, he’s home even later. Then throw in men’s group at church and other little things here and there. . . we sure don’t see much of him anymore. Thank goodness soccer is over in four weeks!

3. Brayden is a little chatterbox. He barely says anything that makes any sense, but boy does he try. When he does say something that resembles some sort of word, it’s very hard trying to decipher which one he’s talking about. A sound can mean a variety of things in Brayden-dialect: “ook” can mean one of many things in itself–book, stuck, block, truck. “abu” also has many meanings: blueberry, all done, bowl, apple. Interesting, eh? But, there is one sole meaning for “too, too”. . . and any close family member can tell you that that means he wants to watch The Wiggles (in case you are curious on why “too, too” means Wiggles, it’s because they have this song where they say, “Toot, toot, chugga, chugga, big red car. . . ” He linked the toot toot to them and has stuck with it ever since. Very cute.

4. I’ve been trying so hard to keep our house clean, but for some reason it keeps getting messy again all by itself! Have you ever heard of the second law of thermodynamics (or something like that. . . ). You know, the one that says something about how it is a matter of common experience that disorder will tend to increase if things are left to themselves? I think that law is closely tied in with Murphy’s Law. But I get confused about that because why is is that I’m not leaving things to themselves, but I still have disorder as my result? It’s a strange phenomenon. Before Brayden was born, everything had a place. . . nice and neat. All of a sudden, I have eighteen loads of laundry, ten rooms that are in disarray, fifteen overflowing garbage cans and a dishwasher that needs to get run constantly. Oh, I forgot about the kitchen/dining room floor that just oozes crumbs and dirt. Throw in all the bins full of my ebay stuff, and your looking at the messiest house in America. Alright. . . I guess you have to know that I am exaggerating slightly, but honestly, I feel like I’m constantly cleaning, straightening and reorganizing and as soon as I’m done and patting myself on the back, it’s messy again! I can see why some people just give up and live forever in messiness. Maybe that’s my destiny!

5. Other than the wedding I just shot, I have not been taking any pictures! My camera is being repaired. I sent it in the very beginning of September. After twelve days, I decided to look into why I hadn’t gotten it back yet. The repair shop (I had to ship my camera all the way to Connecticut!) had to send it in to the manufacturer because they couldn’t fix the problem. Do you think they could have told me that? Noooo. Instead, I have to track down this place online and send them nasty threatening e-mails (just kidding about that part) about the whereabouts of my camera. After a few of those, I finally get a response back about how it could take three to five weeks longer to repair. WHAT??? Three to five weeks LONGER?. . . you have got to be kidding me. I haven’t been going anywhere without that camera! Sooo, I have to borrow one from a friend (thank the Lord for good friends) for the wedding (thank the Lord also that the wonderful friend happens to have the same exact camera that I have, so I didn’t have to worry about figuring out how to use it!). But I am so not happy about this whole repair thing. I’m going down to Alabama to visit my dad and practically his whole family next weekend, and I can’t believe I’ll be going without my second baby. Boo for repair shops. And boo for three to five weeks.

6. I have lots more I could say, but it’s getting late and I will try to update again soon!






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york