In Like a Lion . . . Out Like a Lion . . . ?

I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying. March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  ‘Round here though, it appears that it’s just going to be roaring like a lion the whole entire month. Enter: Blizzard in Rochester, NY the day after it was fifty degrees and the boys were playing with chalk and bikes in the driveway, and I wore flip flops outside. All schools in the area are closed, and literally, I’m not kidding you, there is a “blizzard warning” for our whole county. The weather channel has parked it here for the day and is broadcasting live from the next town over.

It’s no secret that I hate winter. And it’s no secret that spring is like the thing I long for the most each year. Read here for proof that I write an annual I love Spring! post. And read here for the fact that USUALLY at this point in winter, the snow is sometimes completely gone, and little green things are starting to poke up out of the ground. Really, no lie. . . go click on that link and look at little two year old Brayden checking out the daffodils springing to life.

But oh no. . . not today. Today, I look out my window in mid-March and there is two feet of snow about to fall on us with 4o mph winds swirling it all around.

Carter seems to follow in my footsteps with his love of warmer weather. He asks nearly every day when it’s going to be summer. He can’t wait for crocs, and popsicles and jumping on the trampoline. Yesterday, since the snow was gone and it wasn’t too cold out, we let him wear crocs out to the store. You would’ve thought the boy won the lottery. He danced around in circles, giddy, chanting, yay!! i get to wear my crocs! about thirty-five times. And then he giggled. And did another little dance. Then he ran merrily out the door, with a happy spring step in his toes. Today? Well, he’d need to wear an eskimo suit if I let him out the door.

This past Sunday, I attended Ben’s Blue4Ben benefit. It was amazing, and so many people came to show their support. I was floored. There were over a thousand baskets and prizes donated, which was a lot of fun for everyone that attended. I ended up winning a large basket full of craft stuff.  FULL of craft stuff. I think Brayden peed his pants he was so excited about it. He was drooling over everything in the basket, and it really was like the basket was made just for him. Carter was pretty thrilled about the new markers and paint brush pens, and the stickers that he was able to peel and stick all by himself.  Today, they each painted two pictures. Carter’s second picture was just blue. He wanted to paint the entire page blue, so that’s just what he did. Looking forward to more projects this afternoon

while we are held prisoner in our home

two weeks before spring is officially supposed to begin

and there is a stinking BLIZZARD outside.








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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york