
Dear Brayden,
Today you are four.  I can tell that birthdays are just going to keep getting better by the year.  Your enthusiasm for such things as a simple banner hanging from the wall declaring that it is your birthday, makes me delighted.  You are having a superhero birthday party later today, and we have been planning it for weeks.  It has been a lot of work to get together, but I did everything for you.  I made every small detail with a heart full of joy and love.  I can’t wait for your little face to be lit up all night as the people who love you so much come celebrate with us. 
This year, you went to school for the first time.  It was only twice a week for a couple of hours.  By the end of the year, you loved it.  You made great friends and you loved your two teachers.  I can tell that you learned a lot—you went from recognizing a few letters to being able to write almost all of them.  You can read the numbers one through twelve. You can write your name without help.  Most importantly, you learned a lot about the Father and the Son—and that was something important to daddy and I when we chose that school.   From the few times that I came in to school activities, I can tell that you participate and you listen and you are probably the little boy who talks the most and won’t ever stop J
You are learning to be a good big brother.  Some days you are relentless and aren’t at all nice to Carter.  But most days, you love him terribly.  You play with him, make him giggle, read him books and bring him toys or his blanket when he is crying.  Last week, you asked to sing to him before bed.  You sat in his rocking chair and held him on your lap while he held his blanket.  You sang Jesus Loves Me to him, and when he brought up his hand to touch your face, you kissed his arm.  And I cried. I giggled a little to hide the tears. 
You love having play dates with friends.  I don’t believe you will ever be an independent little boy—and I’m getting used to that.  You still would rather be out somewhere than at home.  And if we are at home, you like to constantly ask if you could watch a movie, play on the computer or play the iPod.  You are mostly a broken record. 
I think I have come to the conclusion that you are just an early riser.  Most days I grumble and moan at the wee hours of the morning—today it was 5:45—and pray that it’s only just a phase.  That tomorrow will be better and that you might sleep until at least seven.  This never works. 
Naptime is a thing of the past.  Because we all need a break, you still spend “quiet playtime” in your room during the afternoon for awhile.  Most of the time you play your Leapster or V.Tech at first.  Then you build these “scenes” in your room using all sorts of things.  Books, dominoes, dinosaurs, action figures, marbles, k.nex, magnetix and all sorts of other things.  You make beds for stuffed animals.  You make soccer fields.  Animal yards with drinking stations.  Bridges.  Table settings, complete with candle light.  You like to explain to me what you made after quiet time is over.  I’m always delighted that you are using your imagination.  I also think it’s funny when you draw me pictures and then slide them under your door into the hallway.
You are still a pretty good eater—not so much out of liking everything, but out of eating things you don’t like because that’s just what you do.   A lot of times it’s like we’re having chicken for dinner?  I don’t like chicken”  But then you eat what’s on your plate without complaining.  Unfortunately, you like junk food way more than in the past, and you constantly ask if you can have a treat.  You would probably never turn down scrambled eggs, almost all fruit, pizza, macaroni and cheese, bologna or popcorn.  You would probably never ask for kiwi, peppers, onions, tomatoes, tacos or anything spicy.  You would certainly eat any snack or junk food item you were offered. 
You are NOT shy at all.  When we go places with new people, you hop right into the action.  You will still talk to anybody within earshot (and sometimes out of earshot), strangers and friends alike. 
You are totally into superheroes.  Your favorite things to watch are the Backyardigans and anything with Larry Boy in it.   Your favorite places to go are the Ball Store (still!), Jump Club, the Museum, the Toy Library and the playground.  Your favorite toys are all of your guys—action figures, rescue heroes, play figurines of movie characters.  You love putting in your own CDs during quiet time and listening to music.  Your love any kind of book now and don’t have a specific series that you like to read over and over.  You love going to the library and picking things out to bring home.  I love when you sing the songs from the k-love and the songs from the VBS cd that we listen to in the car.  You love playing with Cora and Ellie.  
When you talk about Heaven and God and the palace that you will live in, my eyes fill up with tears of joy.  My favorite part is when you tell me that you will play soccer with Jesus and play on the playground with me and daddy and Carter. 
You would really like a little sister. And lately you are very drawn to babies.  Whenever I have a photo shoot with a little baby, you always come over and want to look and touch the baby and hold it.  Of course, we are usually all business, so you normally don’t get to do it—but someday, big guy, someday you might have one to call your own little sister. 
I am so excited for what this new year will bring.  You are a bundle of joy, Mr. Brayden.  I am thrilled to have you as my son. 
I love you. 
Love, Mom






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rochester new york