February 18, 2012

317 | 49

I hope potty training Carter is as easy as his transition from a crib to a toddler bed was.  Easy peasy–and that surprised me a LOT.  I was ready for many, many nap times and bed times of him getting out of bed, coming out of his room, playing with toys and just plain running around his room.  I kid you not, he got out of his bed two times on the very first day, and since then has not even taken a step out of bed until I come get him.  Crazy.  But one thing is sure–I certainly am one happy momma.  There are so many terribly tough things about parenting–It’s so nice to catch a great break every once and awhile!

And on an even better note–Carter has been taking these three hour naps.  Brayden NEVER did that!  I took this picture the other day at 4 pm.  I had put Carter down for his nap at 12:30 and I finally went in at four to wake him up because he had been sleeping so long!  I snapped this picture right before I woke him up.  Thankfully, he woke up in happy.

James is taking the boys to New Hampshire for the week.  I’m sure once they are there, the napping routine will get a little out of whack, and those three hour naps will be forever lost.  But I sure did appreciate them for this week–I’ve been sick all week, and the low key days have been really nice.






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york