Bucket List: First Big Fat Checkmark


School is out for the summer! I know for some of you, you’re saying it’s about darn time! as your kids have been done for a full month now. . . but up here in these parts, kids go to school until July is almost here. Crazy, crazy. Now that school is out, it’s time to start attacking the summer bucket list.

James and I had one thing on our list that we were so excited about. Not only because we didn’t even have to leave home, and it was completely free, but because it’s just amazing. Our property for some reason is just an amazing habitat for fireflies. And almost every night they are literally ALL over our yard and in our back field. James and I look at them almost every night and just are amazed–so of course we wanted to share the excitement with our boys–unfortunately it’s the longest week of the year in regards to daylight, so that meant keeping them up pretty late. But last night, Brayden had a baseball game and we didn’t get back until after eight anyways, so what was another couple of hours?  James built a little fire and we hung out in the back until dusk fell. At around 9, they started popping out of their hiding places.

And then the magic happened. Armed with a breathable glass jar, we donned our rain boots, sweatshirts and pants (because in addition to the thousands of lightning bugs, they are matched by about a million mosquitoes), and we headed to our back field. It was a sight I’ve never seen before, and really I was quite blown away. They light up the entire field. . . I just wanted to cry. And invite all of our friends with young children over all at the same time. I just wanted to share the magic.

And so we will 🙂 If you have kids, and you live close by, you’re welcome to troop over to our field after dark and find the magic for yourselves! Just don’t blame me when your kids are dragging the next day because they went to bed after 10!

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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york