A New Perspective


Being a photographer has given my eyes a new perspective. I remember back to years before I used to do what I do for a living now–I’m pretty sure I never appreciated the beauty that I now am drawn to. I don’t think I used to look at the beautiful early morning or late evening sun as it casts it’s golden rays through the trees perfectly–making long shadows and a gorgeous glowing light behind the full trees. I’m pretty sure that I never loved tall grass in open fields. I never appreciated a lovely texture that now I look for in the background.

And I know for a fact that I never studied the sun’s behaviors. I pay attention to direction more than I ever have in my life. What faces west, and what faces east, and where exactly where the sun set in the specific location? And at 5 pm on October 15th, where will the sun be in the sky? . . . because the sun is an ever changing thing. And what the sun does today, next month brings something new. It doesn’t stay on the same path all year long. It rises and sets at different speeds. And all of that comes into play when choosing a shooting location. Do you think I paid attention to that seven years ago? Heck no!

It’s all about perspective. And I kid you not, we wouldn’t have bought a house with an open field in the back, if the field didn’t face West. Sounds strange? Absolutely. But it’s my job, and jobs need to be specific. Especially a job where light is of utmost importance. Can’t wait to get some clients here on the property for a sunset field session! I think I’ll be posting some of those for June and July!

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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york