Thursday’s Tidbits

Around here, we’ve been trying to figure out how to get Brayden to stay in his room in the wee hours of the morning.  Rising before 6 am isn’t something I’m used to, but seems to be a trend this past couple weeks.  Lights come on, doors start opening and I get a lot of mommy, mommy, mommy’s before I grumpily roll out of bed to try to persuade him to lay in bed just a little bit longer.  So far I’m losing miserably.  Mommy 0.  Brayden 7.

And so I try to manage surviving on six hours of sleep . . . editing pictures until late at night and then waking up again at early hours of the morning.  I know it’s possible. . . millions of people do it.  Moms everywhere.  Dads everywhere.  I am not the only one who works until late at night and then wakes up early in the morning.  But sometimes I feel as if I am the only one in the world who just wants those few more minutes of sleep.  Because in the morning it’s all about me.  It takes me about an hour to figure out that I get nowhere with that kind of mentality.  
Brayden’s new love is the iPod.  I think we could drive all the way down to Florida without a peep from him, if he had the little gadget in his hands the entire time.  Luckily they have all sorts of apps for little kids.  He’s quite efficient at using it.  I’m not sure if I should be proud that he’s so technologically inclined, or embarrassed that my three year old knows how to expertly find and work games on every electronic gadget known to man.  
I got out of the shower the other day to see him holding our smaller ipod. . . an older generation nano.  I told him that I didn’t know why he was looking at that one. . . there were no games on it.  Yes there are! he told me as he proudly held it out to me, showing me an old school looking atari superbreakout game playing on the screen.  How he maneuvered his way around the menu to find that when he can’t even read is beyond me.  But there you have it.  He is the smartest child alive.  
We have to keep his playing time to just once a day.  Otherwise we’d have a zombie on our hands.  I already go crazy with the amount of times in one day that he asks me to play.  Now I know what moms mean when they used to tell me that video games do strange things to little boys.  

…and just in case you forgot how cute my other child is, here’s a couple pics of him too 🙂  Didn’t want to leave him out 🙂






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york