
This post could probably be titled a lot of different things. . . 
Thanksgiving! (which, I so cleverly decided to choose, because I didn’t want to give you any hints what the post was about)
Family Times.
Livin’ it up with the fam.
The good times we had during Thanksgiving spending time with family and doing festive activities
You get the point 🙂
It also could be titled a few other things . . . 
Oops, I forgot my flash.
Wow, there is a lot of garbage next to my parents’ neighbors house.
Yes, I know that the white balance in my pictures is all off, but that’s what happens when there isn’t much time to edit 🙂

Whatever it’s titled, it is a post representing the time we spent in Buffalo for Thanksgiving.  We had quite a bit of fun.  We ate a lot.  My mom and I shopped and had manicures and pedicures, and in retrospect mom, I should’ve gotten the “expensive” polish because literally mine lasted less than two days.  We all went to a festival of lights at the fairgrounds and did some Christmasy things.  We also skyped with my brother and his family who live out of the country and who we miss terribly.  We put up my parents’ Christmas tree.  
And for forty eight hours, I hardly thought about the things that I had to do the upcoming week.  I tried my best.  It was hard.  Relaxing felt weird.  But I’m sure with enough practice, I could get used to it 🙂
I’m looking forward to the Christmas holidays.  We get to see LOTS of family, including some on James’ side who we have seen only a handful of times the past couple years.  






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york