Stream of Consciousness

I have wasted away a lot of precious time reading read many blogs before.  I like to stay updated on my favorites.  I have come across many blogs that inspire me.  That urge me to live life to its fullest.  Challenge me to take pictures every day.  Ones that remind me that God is ever present.  Loads of different entries.  One thing that I have seen many other bloggers do is a post in which they just ramble about anything on their minds.  A stream of consciousness.   
And so here is mine.

 I am sitting with my eyes nearly glued to the street today.  I have a three things that are supposed to arrive via UPS today.  I need to be here to sign for them.  They should be here anytime between 8 am and 7 pm.  Oh good. . . so let me just pace back and forth like a vulture for eleven hours, afraid to even go pee lest I miss the UPS man who is delivering some things that I need FOR TOMORROW’S WEDDING!  What a cruel world.

Our neighbor surprised us the other day by giving us a pool table.  I have to admit that I was actually a little annoyed when James and my stepdad brought it up the driveway and James said Surprise!  The things is a beast!  And we already have loads of stuff we don’t need.  It is now taking over the floor of our garage.  At least Brayden thinks its the cool item of the week and has been happily rolling, kicking, and hitting the balls many times a day.  It was thirty-eight degrees this morning, and I swear I saw some flakes of snow.  But his little frozen fingers didn’t care.  Sinking pool balls (and apples) into the pockets trump being freezing.  James told me that his motto was better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.  So, I guess the pool table will stay.

Life as a photographer is tough most days. My body wants to shut down by 8:30.  I have to take shots of water on the rocks and blast my music to keep myself awake.  Last week I babysat ALL day, leaving my house at seven in the morning and not getting home until five.  It was really hard not being at my own house.  It was hard on Carter, it was hard on me, but Brayden enjoyed every second since there were two other kids his age that he played with for five straight days.  Being gone all day and not getting to do any housework or editing until the kids went to bed left me extremely cranky, emotional and put me in a weird alien-like state.  Sorry to those I complained to.  If I left with one thing, it was to be even more thankful that I am able to stay at home with my boys.

P.S. Every time a car drives by, I nearly faint in excitement that it is going to be the gloriously brown UPS truck pulling up to my house.  I keep getting disappointed. I feel like the cast in The Music Man, marching up and down the street, singing at the top of my lungs that the Wells Fargo Wagon is coming down the street and I hope he has something for me.

And in case I have those camera friends of mine wondering what on earth I ordered. . . I’m going to keep you in suspense.  🙂

Carter is a little roller coaster of loops and twists and turns.  I can’t figure the boy out.  Last night he cried for about two straight hours.  And today he’s a little gem.  He’s getting around really well by sliding and scooting and pulling.  And he’s getting so incredibly close to actually crawling.  He’s rocking on all fours like a champ, and he takes a little knee-step and then flops on his belly and drags himself the rest of the way.  Must be a Chase thing. . . cause Brayden did it the same way.  His favorite thing is to climb all over me like a jungle gym.  I especially appreciate how he shows his affection by clawing up my shirt and scratching my face to pieces.  He also is intrigued by teeth.

We have just started letting Brayden watch some full-length movies.  Not at all once, don’t you worry.  We break them up into about three parts.  So far, he’s really liked Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc. and Cars.  But recently we have checked out The Incredibles from the library.  And let me tell you. . . the boy is head over heels in a way that I have truly never seen him head over heels before.  He thinks he is Dash Incredible and runs everywhere now, exclaiming that I am fast because I AM DASH!  Everyone in our family is also an Incredible.  Even the cat, who as the only other girl besides me has to fulfill the role of Violet.  Carter is taking his role as Jack Jack very seriously, turning into a monster and then back into a giggly baby in a matter of seconds.  
I have lots more I can say, but motherly duties now call.  And darn that UPS man, who still hasn’t delivered my goods!   
Happy Friday everyone!






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york