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Soccer Mom

We had an unbelievable weekend.  Both relaxing and totally hectic at the same time, if you can figure out what that means.  We had a getaway night on Saturday at Belhurst Castle, which was amazing and much needed and we relished every second of it.  Sunday we had a wedding to shoot at the Castle, which was a lot of fun to have at such a beautiful place.  Geneva really has some beautiful spots.  
After the wedding we drove all the way to Buffalo, which took us about two hours.  We hopped right into bed and woke up early this morning to drive back home again with the boys in order to get Brayden to soccer camp at nine.  It was a whole lot of driving.  And we are pretty exhausted.  
But nothing can beat the adorable scene that I witnessed this morning.  Carter and I headed off for a minute to find out which field Brayden was on, and when I came back, James had put Brayden’s soccer gear on.  I nearly burst with rolls of laughter.  I’m sure for those of you who have children, maybe you’ve also experience the happiness that follows when you see your child all excited and dressed up for a sporting event for the very first time.  
James announced as we pulled into the parking lot that I now was an official soccer mom.  


I believe that this was Brayden practicing his dribbling as The Wolverine. Check out the claws.  And no, I’m not joking.  

 James and I took turns keeping Carter contained and tried to keep him happy.  By the end of the two hours, he was pretty miserable.  It was hot, and he wasn’t getting his way.  It’s safe to say that he won’t be tagging along all week.

We weren’t very happy with how the camp was run.  There were twenty-four 4-6 year olds and only one coach with two helpers.  It was unorganized and there were definitely too many kids for the staff.  James hopped in and helped out a bit, but it was a bit unruly at times.  We try not to be too critical, but both coming from athletic backgrounds, and James’ in soccer, it’s hard not to be picky.

Overall, as long as our little soccer player stays happy, we are okay with that.

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  1. ajnrileysmommy says:

    love these!! now we officially have practically EVERYTHING in common 🙂
    love you!!

  2. Mary says:

    These are adorable! Doesn't even look like he needs the camp! He has all the right moves already! Here's to THOUSANDS of other sporting pictures you will take of your sons.
    Love you,

  3. cheryl says:

    Love seeing Brayden excited about soccer. There are practically no other parents on earth who have enjoyed their childrens' sports moments more than Dad and I. But having the grandson play too – priceless!!!

  4. […] our experience about last year’s summer soccer camp that we found, here are three posts:  1, 2, and 3.  I was totally high strung, Brayden was sort of a cry baby and the whole thing […]