Seven things on this Friday . . .

1. I slept until 7:08 am. Call me lazy. I should’ve gotten up at 6:08 am and used that extra hour to do something productive to aiding my weight loss–like run. Or done a workout video. Or something other than sleep. But sleep is what I did. I was woken up by Brayden, who came in to proudly show me that both he and Carter were already wearing their red, white and blue outfits for Flag Day which consisted of jeans, a t-shirt with a long sleeve button up dress shirt over the top. Turns out, it was already warm out, and the humidity today is like 150%. So I made them change. Mean mommy. Good thing they both have enough clothes for three children’s wardrobes each, so it wasn’t a problem to find another outfit.

2. I changed a poopy diaper at about 9:02 am. I changed another poopy diaper at 9:07 am. Apparently I jumped the gun with the first one.

3. All of our healthy food and produce is gone from when I went shopping on Sunday. Also, we are out of protein powder and bananas, so I couldn’t make a protein shake.  So what did my breakfast consist of? Bread. Peanut Butter. Peanut Butter. Bread. And that’s half the reason why I am where I am with my weight. Darn you, bread, and your soft chewy texture. Darn you, peanut butter with your amazingly smooth consistency. I hate you both.

4. I put Sawyer down for a super quick nap at 8:50 am. I had to wake him up at 9:20 am so we could walk to Brayden’s school to watch their Flag Day Ceremony. All morning, I reminisced about my elementary school, Willow Ridge, and how we loved Flag Day each year. In fifth grade, we proudly sang the Fifty Nifty United States song in front of all the parents on the bleachers outside. I still remember the song by heart to this day and sang it enthusiastically to Brayden this morning while he looked on with a stunned, I can’t believe you’re my mother look. Then after the fifth graders sang their special song, we would parade around the entire neighborhood in big line waving our flags in the air and waving to all of the people watching from their porches. We walked to the school this morning so I could happily watch my own son’s Flag Day, and sadly parents couldn’t really see much since the students were all in a circle. The band played. The chorus sang. Third graders played the recorder (pass the earplugs please!). Second graders sang This Land is Your Land eight times in a row. And I went to watch one first grader, except he didn’t do anything. But that’s okay. Everyone smiled and pointed and commented on his gigantic homemade Uncle Sam hat that he and James made out of a Popcorners box. That’s my boy! Too bad it was so crowded that I literally couldn’t take a picture.

5. We went home after the Flag Day Ceremony for an hour and a half, only to go back to school again for Family Picnic Day. We signed in, walked with Brayden’s class downstairs and picked up the boys lunch in the cafeteria line. I had to leave my stroller upstairs because the cafeteria is downstairs. We got the lunches, and I carried Carter’s lunch in one hand and Sawyer in the other arm and then we proceeded to wander around nearly the entire school to exit the building so we could sit outside, except we didn’t even exit the building out the nearest doors to our location and also, we did not pass the spot where I had left the stroller in the first place, even though we nearly walked through the entire school and up two flights of stairs. Carrying a baby in one arm. And the flimsiest styrofoam tray in the other topped with a hot dog, chocolate milk, an apple, carrots and a cookie. Sawyer nearly squirmed out of my arms ten times. I had to stop to hike him up five times because I didn’t have a second hand. And did one person offer to help me? Yes. . . about ten seconds before we were done with our ten minute walk. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I had to hike all the way back into the building still holding Sawyer to go get the stroller where I had left it. And that is why I was a sweat ball through the entire picnic.

6. Five minutes before we were supposed to walk out the door to go to Family Picnic Day, I looked over at my 10.5 month old baby who had suddenly gotten very quiet. I realized that he was playing the KCups for my Keurig. I also then realized that he had bitten a hole through the top of a very nice Starbucks Sumatra KCup and was chewing on the coffee grounds. They were also all over his shirt. And the floor. And his face. Wet, saliva laden coffee grinds.

Hey. . . at least he now has a lovely coffee aroma about him.

7. James and I talked about taking a very last minute quick trip this weekend to Boston and New Hampshire because we had nothing on the schedule, and that’s very rare. The Children’s Museum, Ikea, a Red Sox game and time with his brother and their family. What could be better? Judging by how things have gone today, and how I must have been crazy to think that I would be able to pack with less than 24 hours notice for a trip like that? I think it was a wise decision to dump the plans.

Let’s hope the rest of the day is relatively calm and I can de-stress.






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york