Progress, Finally.


Sunday was full of boxes. Monday was full of boxes. I have a feeling today will be full of boxes as well. We are slowly making progress, thank goodness.

Quite literally, I think I’ve been paralyzed about the whole situation. Avoidance at it’s best. If I ignore the work that lies ahead, will it go away? It’s not like me to be a procrastinator. I have never been a procrastinator, even back to my school days. So this behavior even baffled me. After a good swift kick in the pants (metaphorically speaking), my butt is in full gear and things are going much better.

Things I have learned while packing:

1. Moving is like childbirth. We have moved many times. More times than I have given birth. But just like a good ol’ birth story–your memory of the pain and agony has disappeared over time, and what’s left is a foggy distant memory of the pain. Is this the hardest thing I’ve experienced?? Yes! (not really, but it currently feels that way). Have I been through this pain before? Yes! Do I remember it being this painful? No! But I bet my bippy that it most certainly was, at the time.

2. I don’t hoard many things, but beyond a doubt, I am a book hoarder. The number of boxes I have filled with books it quite silly really.  I’m not even exaggerating that I probably have like 2,000 children’s books. I guess if ever there was a thing to hoard, books are an honorable hoarding item. And it’s like they keep multiplying! To the people who are helping us move–I’m so so sorry at the number of book boxes. Thank goodness for the liquor store and their endless supple of perfectly sized book boxes.

3. In addition to having a ridiculous amount of children’s book, I also had an equally ridiculous amount of children’s shoes. And because we have boys of such a wide variety of ages, I had shoes from a toddler size 4 all the way to big boy size 3. That’s twelve sizes of shoes! Boots, rainboots, soccer cleats, baseball cleats, water shoes, sandals, flip flops, sneakers, crocs, dress shoes. Times 12. Do you know how many shoes that is? Five large bins full. Sorting them and getting rid of the “extras” got me down to three bins full. I was happy with that–still a lot of shoes, but much better.

4. I am thrilled that we will have a basement in the next house. And that’s an understatement. I can barely contain my excitement that the curse of the crawl space will be behind us.

5. I can’t wait until May, when we are moved and unpacked a little, and all of this is behind us.







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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york