Pancakes, Fish Sticks and Frozen Pizza, Oh my.

I’m a big time slacker in some departments.  It’s not that I strive to be like this.  It’s just that literally, there is like this block in my brain right now that doesn’t allow me to properly plan dinners for my family.  And trips to the grocery store.

Honestly, I hate dragging Sawyer out anywhere.  His naps are so terrible outside of his crib that literally, if I go anywhere with him, he will get a 10-15 minute nap on the way home from wherever we are going and that will be that.  So I dread going out.  That means that grocery shopping really suffers.  And because of this, dinner planning is virtually nearly non-existent the past couple of months.  We literally throw something hodgepodge together every single night for the boys, and then James and I end up eating some weird thing that is attempting to be healthy but ends up being kind of gross. . . or not substantial.  Leaving us hungry by eight.   Last night, it was 5:40 before we even decided what to make.  And the best we could come up with was pancakes.  Like, the kind that is in a bag that you add water to. . . not even pancakes from scratch.  And frozen sausage patties that I microwaved.  I know, I know. . . I rock.  You don’t have to tell me twice.

Perhaps next week, during break week, I can get my act together.  Make some meals plans.  Grocery shop without the baby.  And get this show on the road.






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york