My Own Personal Roller Coaster

This past week, life has nearly been unmanageable for me. In addition to all the regular stresses of daily life, I’ve had a variety of other things thrown my way causing my emotions to be near out of control.

First off, a volleyball issue. With the joys of coaching athletic, “A team” girls comes their overly involved, overly emotional, suffocating parents. They decided to get together and discuss all of the aspects of my coaching that they aren’t happy with. Coaches need to have “broad shoulders”, as one of the higher up coaches told me–well, my coaching shoulders are quite narrow, so I didn’t take the news well. Without going into all of the details on what was said, let’s just say that I was left a very, very upset person last week. Talk about deflating a person’s confidence (not that there was tons to begin with!)

Then, we decided to convert Brayden’s crib to the “big boy” daybed. Brayden was getting really close to climbing out, so even though I think he’s a little young, we decided to start the transition to a bed. This will do a number on a mother’s emotions as well. The thought that I no longer have a “baby” blows my mind. He hasn’t gotten out of bed yet in the middle of the night, but putting him to bed has been a little bit of a challenge. And also he gets out of bed a little too early in the morning for my liking.

There have also been a number of “personal” issues that have been either continuing (i.e. trying to get pregnant and having almost ALL of my friends either pregnant or with newborns). And some other temporary issues that hopefully will resolve soon. No need to go into them!!

To add another twisty, loopy adventure to the roller coaster, I didn’t even start the week on a good note. This morning I was putting Brayden in his car seat on my way to babysitting. I opened the car, tossed my key into the front seat like I usually do if I don’t have a pocket, put him in his seat and then closed his door. To my horror, I heard the car “beep”, meaning that it had just locked. I almost died. My son was now locked in the car. We only have one car key. We also have no land line phone, so I am SO grateful that I hadn’t put my bag in the car with Brayden like I normally do. I called AAA, but they had me on hold, which I couldn’t handle, so I hung up and called 911. Two cops showed up in a few minutes, and it took them a little bit of time to break into the car, but at least Brayden had something to watch while he was trapped as they tried to jiggle the lock. I know it was such a minor thing–the whole thing lasted about ten minutes–but with everything else that has been going on, I fell apart as I tried calling Blake to tell him I’d be late for babysitting. I think he might have understood through the sobbing the current situation I was in, but he probably now thinks I’m crazy!

Anyways, that’s been the story of my week. I’d really like to get off the roller coaster though, so hopefully this week is a little more low key!!






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york