Mommy & Me Giveaway Winners!

Four days ago, I ended a week long contest. I wanted to give away a mommy & me mini session to a deserving mom–and I also wanted to gift the “nominator” of the winner I chose with a free mini session as well. I know moms rarely are behind the lens with their children- we are too busy, we don’t like the way we look, our hair isn’t washed, and a million other reasons–all of which I’m guilty of using myself. But it’s not all about that–it’s about giving your children a gift. Not even a gift in the here and now, but one that will become more important and gain value as the years pass.  A gift that will be priceless in the future- when we aren’t living on this earth anymore, and all our children have of us are memories and these snippets of time that were so real and existed and hold more value than we can imagine.

So I asked for your help. I asked you to nominate a mom who you thought was deserving of a free session. And over forty of you responded.  Honestly, I had no idea what to expect. I thought I’d be happy with like ten, but then they kept coming in. All of you with your big hearts (and quite possibly maybe your desire to win a free mini as well!).  But that’s okay. . . that was the incentive to nominate someone.

I talked through things with my husband and asked a few friends how they thought I should choose a winner. Should I make everyone’s nomination “public” and then have a voting contest. See, doing it this way would draw lots of people to my Facebook page and create a buzz of activity for a few days. But I didn’t feel right about doing that. I decided to choose for myself–the person who I felt led to choose. And it turned out that the decision I made was based on the person who I thought should win because of her circumstances, but because I also thought that the person who nominated her should win as well.

My friend Cathy is a selfless, giving woman, who literally gives and gives and gives. Without question, or asking anything in return. I’ve seen her in action.  She wrote to me to nominate someone who she felt should win, and I completely agreed. So I chose her nomination-a woman named Cher.  (When I told Cathy that I chose her nomination to win, she asked if she was allowed to donate her free mini to someone who she thought deserved it–I said, NO WAY!  You deserve it, lady!)

Cher has five children on this earth! (That should make for an interesting mini session!)  She’s been through quite a bit- They had a miscarriage a few years ago, her husband was diagnosed with Cancer for the first time a little over three years ago, and just about a month ago, one of their sons was diagnosed with diabetes. They have been through so much in the past few years, that seemingly, their situation seemed utterly exhausting, both mentally and physically.  Cher’s husband has had multiple types of cancer, has gone through many treatments, and currently still has a brain tumor.  He hasn’t been able to work, and she stays home to home school their children. So, finances haven’t been a strength in their household for quite some time. I asked Cher if she was okay with me sharing her story, and she said she was–I am going to insert a piece of her story that she sent me, because honestly, just like my friend Mindy, who currently has a four year old son battling a brain tumor, the faith of these women just blows my mind. How they can be so strong and trusting and speak such words at such a hard time?

  So much has happened in the last 3 1/2 years. Ben is still not clear of cancer. Currently, he has a brain tumor in the area that he was radiated on for head and neck cancer. Praise God, for now it isn’t growing and we trust God for healing. To destroy his thyroid cancer they administered the I131 radiation pill and he is doing well maintaining his levels. He also was diagnosed with diverticulitus this year and will probably need to have surgery this fall to remove the areas of his colon that are affected. As for all of the internal health issues…well we take them as they come. We have learned and continue to learn to walk with God, one moment at a time. When we rush ahead, we begin to stumble terribly. Overwhelmed by the “what ifs” but caught in His grace by “Be still and know that I am God!” Every day is an unexpected journey. Our “new normal” is constantly changing. For example, our second son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this year. Another change to our “new normal.” However, through all of this God remains faithful and we lavish in His love. I desire more than healing, I desire that our faith will increase. That our children will not only know that God is real, but desire an intimate authentic relationship with Christ. That they hunger and thirst for Him…unsettled unless they are doing the will of God. 
     Honestly, we wouldn’t take back anything that we have gone through or continue to experience. For in these moments of desperation and petitioning heaven, we truly have “tasted and seen that God is good!” So many wonderful blessings have come through this journey. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard and painful. There are days that all I want to do is crumble and cry…and I do. I realize over and over again just how weak I am. This disease has stripped us of dignity, pride, and at times the simple feeling of just being ‘human.’ But what God has replaced instead is a relationship with Him, that I treasure above everything. When I sing to Him, “Your glory is so beautiful, I fall down to my knees in awe and the heartbeat of my life is worship in your sight,” truly I mean ever single word. I really could go on and on about God’s goodness!! He is indescribable!! I rejoice in my weaknesses…as Paul says, “I boast all the more in my weakness. For when I am weak…then He is strong.” Even though, I forget this at times (too many to count) and I tremble under the weight of what this disease is capable of, when I take my eyes off of the trial and lock them on God, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. The Holy Spirit fills ever corner of my soul and I can do nothing but rejoice (even in my darkest hours). We don’t know what the future holds and we work hard not to look that far. For in those moments of looking to far ahead, we miss what God is doing right now!
What an incredible woman! I look forward to getting to know her and her kids during our session.
Thank you, everyone, for your nominations! I’m sure there are lots of deserving dads out there too, and sometime perhaps I can run a contest for a free daddy session too!






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york