Just when you think you have it all together.

I literally have no idea how moms that aren’t stay at home moms get it all done.  Kudos to you, and if I was able to give you all a pat on the back for running your lives without going crazy, and still working outside of the home forty hours a week, I would.  I’m home a LOT.  And I find that I still don’t have time to get it all done.  I’m home a LOT, but I still find that I cannot accomplish nearly half of what I need to on any given day.  And keeping the schedule straight?  Ha.  Today was proof of that.  I find that on many days, I am on the go, go, go, keeping up with the kids’ things.  Today was great though–I had everything lined up.  Drop Brayden off at school (on time-yay!), drop off Carter at preschool (not on time because the person in front of me went 25 mph down the 55 mph road because there was a little bit of snow), head to the doctors for Sawyer’s sixth month checkup and then a surprise visit to my friend because today is her birthday, then back to picking up Carter and home for lunch.  That was the plan anyways.  Until I got to the doctor’s office and the doctor walked into the room and said, “decided to come see us an hour early today, huh?”.  Which I supposed is much better than deciding to go see them an hour late.  Oops.  Lucky me, they were able to get me in without too much waiting, and I’m glad I didn’t have to sit there for an hour waiting for my correct time.

So, yes. . . just when I think I have it all together for a few hours in the morning, I am reminded that I am full of loose connections up in the brain area.  Blame it on the age.  Blame it on the mommy brain.  Blame it on whatever I can.  Maybe I’ll get it right next time.

Sawyer update:  Seems like we’ve got another pipsqueak on our hands.  Carter II.  Sawyer’s weight is in the 15th percentile–he’s gained a pound in two months.  And that’s probably more than I can say for Carter!  His four year checkup is in four weeks, and he’s still under thirty pounds.  Oy.






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york