January 16, 2012

350 | 16
Today wasn’t our idea of relaxing holiday with daddy home.  We had a few plans.  All of which were foiled when Brayden woke up about ten times during the night, probably only got about three sound hours of sleep and then proceeded to be sick for most of today.  He laid on the couch for a good part of the morning, with his angry birds blanket and his baby bear and practiced throwing up into a garbage can. 
Needless to say, we didn’t have a family fun day, that’s for sure.  
He eventually livened up a bit, though he wasn’t his normal self for the entire day.  
Also, I would like to point out that gut instincts should never be ignored.  While in the family room with Carter today, he was jumping around on these foam tubes we have.  In my head I thought, he’s jumping around kind of close to the fireplace.  I really should have him stop or move the tubes.  Well. . . he’ll probably be fine.  Sure enough, he landed on one funny, slipped and hit his head right on the edge of the stone fireplace.  Hard.  Next thing you know, I was on my way to immediate care to see if he needed stitches.  Luckily he didn’t, but they did glue his head, which I thought was very interesting.  And the doctor said he would probably end up with a scar.  Great. . . my hesitation to make him stop playing where he was caused all of this avoidable peril.  Next time I will be a better mom and do the right thing.  Then I won’t have to kick myself in the pants after!






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york