Christmas with Family

Christmas is not over for us yet! We start a little early and end a little late 🙂 Christmas started when we went to Buffalo to visit with my family and will end on Tuesday when we leave from New Hampshire where we were visting with James’ family. While the gift opening part is over, family fellowship isn’t 🙂 Brayden really enjoyed opening his presents and really got the hang of things once we got rolling. He has really enjoyed a few gifts in particular. . . a Thomas the Tank wooden train set from my parents, a portable DVD player from us (which we gave him early!), a plastic bowling set from James’ parents and a Wiggles Guitar-shaped book from Auntie Rachelle and Uncle Adam.

James also had a great time making a gingerbread train with Brayden as their “special project”. Brayden’s favorite part, of course, was eating the frosting straight from the train while daddy decorated it.






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york