
 There’s nothing like sitting in the driveway, eating a snack with your favorite neighbor.

I hope everyone’s garage is just as messy as mine.  Did you laugh at that picture up there?  A pool table in the garage–lots of bags and crates of stuff.

 And check out Carter’s mop on his head?  I wanted to try to grow it out a bit.  James’s hair was curly and really blonde when he was Carter’s age.  I thought I would be lucky and Carter would have the same curls.  I’m pretty sure I gave it a fair shot.  His hair is a little too fluffy to grow long.  It kind of just sticks out everywhere–and he looks awesome right after nap time 🙂

 So I cut it off today.  It was without James’ help and you can tell that I did it by myself without someone keeping Carter in one place.  Both my boys hate getting their haircut, so I think he was traumatized by the end.  There was a whole lot of crying going on.  But now he’s fluff-free.  






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york