Build and Grow

We’ve discovered recently that Lowes offers clinics for little kids called “Build and Grow” clinics. The first 50 kids that show up get a free apron, goggles and whatever the kit is for the week. James took Brayden last week when I wasn’t home–they made a cute little wooden gingerbread house. I was able to go with them to the clinic yesterday and there were two Christmas ornaments in the kit. We really were only there for about 20 minutes, but that’s actually perfect for Brayden, since any longer would’ve totally lost his interest. At the end, we even got a little sew-patch that I can put on his apron, like a boy scout badge. Seriously, the whole thing was adorable. And the best part was that it was TOTALLY FREE–and all of you that know me, know that I always am up for free things!

And, oh my goodness, look at that. . . I’m actually in a couple of pictures!! That never happens! I’m always the one behind the lens 🙂






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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york