Back to the Grind


I blinked. It’s September 2nd. I’m pretty sure school just let out for the summer. Time is slipping through my hands like little pieces of sand that I’m trying to squeeze the life out of. There’s no stopping it.

This morning, my middle son got on the bus for his first day of Kindergarten. To be honest, it’s harder this time around for me than when my oldest went. Our district still had half day Kindergarten when Brayden went. It was an easy transition. Only Kindergartners were on the bus to school. No lunch was needed. And he was only gone for 2.5 hours.

Carter will be gone for a little over seven. That’s a huge difference. Yesterday I spent some time figuring out which containers he could open on his own at lunch. I explained how he needed to bring things home with him if they weren’t plastic baggies. That the ice pack needed to go back in his lunch bag. That if he didn’t want to eat anything to leave it in there and not throw it away. I made sure he could get his water bottle in and out of his lunch bag pocket. I told him that when he rides the bus it doesn’t just pick him up and take him right home–that they have to stop at other kids’ houses first. I realized that there were a hundred things I don’t feel like I prepared him for, and time got away from me. He still takes off his shorts and underwear completely to poop, for goodness sakes. And sometimes this means shoes too if he can’t get his shorts/pants off over his shoes! I was supposed to practice the right way to do it! Brayden NEVER pooped at Kindergarten. . . he rarely even had to pee. 2.5 hours is nothing compared to 7.  Good grief, where on earth did five years go? Bet you didn’t know I would be talking about poop today.

Carter was super excited to get on the bus, but I think he doesn’t know just how long the day will be. Brayden on the other hand would’ve gladly stayed home for another fifteen years.

Here are my handsome boys–Carter, Kindergarten. Brayden, 3rd Grade. Sawyer, has mommy all to himself–and cried like mad when the bus came and he didn’t get to go on it.

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newborn, child and family photographer

rochester new york